Towards inferring earthquake patterns from geodetic observations of interseismic coupling Nature Geoscience 2010
S1 An example of shear stress evolution in the VS patch during coseismic slip. Shear stress τ with respect to a reference stress value foσ̄ at the center of the VS patch (x = 120 km) is shown as a function of the coseismic slip of event 20 in Fig. 2b. The open circle indicates the stress τ i vs before the arrival of the dynamic rupture. The open triangle shows the peak shear stress τ vs. The open square and the rectangle correspond to effective weakening distance dvs and the amount of coseismic slip δvs, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 S2 Additional simulation results illustrating how non-dimensional parameter B captures the behavior of the 2D model as its parameters are varied. (a-d) The dependence of the percentage P of two-segment ruptures on the properties of the VS patch as other model parameters are varied with respect to the simulations shown in Fig. 4a. In Fig. 4a, the following parameters are used: σ̄vw = σ̄vs = 50 MPa, avw = 0.010, bvw = 0.015, and Dvw = 72.5 km. Panels (a-d) show results for a set of simulations with one or two of these parameters modified, as indicated at the top of each panel. The numbers in parentheses indicate the parameters in Fig. 4a. Comparison of panels (b-d) illustrates that the parameters of the VW segments also play an important role. (e) Relation between the percentage of two-segment ruptures P and the non-dimensional parameter B for cases in panels (a-d). The results collapse, with some scatter, onto a single curve. (f) Relation between P and B with (black dots) and without (purple dots) taking into account breakdown work in the estimate of B. Each dot corresponds to an earthquake sequence with different combination of model parameters as given by Table S1. . . . . . . . . . . 15 S3 A sketch illustrating the spring-slider system used to estimate ISC. The velocitystrengthening (VS) block in the middle represents the VS patch in the continuum models. The motion of the VS block is driven by the prescribed steady and stickslip motions of the loading block and the VW block, respectively. . . . . . . . . . 16
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